
Trip Calculator

The Trip Calculator determines toll locations and amounts on the Illinois Tollway based on routes. Follow the steps below to customize your route and pay your toll.

Smartphone Users Only: Select PAY TOLLS in the upper left hand corner of the page.

Enter your information.

  • Select your Start and End points. There are two options for selecting these points:
    • Option 1: Click the start and end points directly on the map using either your mouse or by touching the screen.
      HINT: If using a smartphone, touch HIDE MENU before making your selection.
    • Option 2: Click PAY TOLLS and use the drop-down menus.
      HINT: Enter the road name (ex.: I-294) to reduce selection list.
  • Select PAY TOLLS (for Option 1 above only)
  • Select your Vehicle Class, Payment Type, and Time from the drop downs.

Pay Tolls Opens and Closes the Menu

Select Your Start and End Points

Select GET ROUTE*.

  • Scroll down to view Plaza Names, Numbers and Toll amounts.
  • View your trip route and the location of each toll plaza on the map.
    HINT: Smartphone users can click HIDE MENU to view the toll locations on the map.


* Please note: Trip routes generated using the Illinois Tollway Trip Calculator are programmed to designate the Illinois Tollway (roadways) as the primary route. If you are using the Trip Calculator drop-down menu and your trip involves a combination of Tollway and state or local roads, you will need to set up each Tollway leg as a separate route in order to determine the total toll amounts.

Enter Vehicle and Trip Info

Go to the Payment Page

Map Navigation

1. Zoom In

  • Select the “Zoom In” button (+), or
  • Use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom in.

2. Zoom Out

  • Select the "Zoom Out" button (-), or
  • Use the scroll wheel on your mouse to zoom out.

3. Pan

  • Click on the map, hold down the button and drag your map to a different location.

4. Overlays 

  • Select the tag icon located below the zoom in and zoom out symbols to display the list of overlays
  • Select any of the buttons to add or remove information on the map.

Legal Disclaimer

This toll calculator is intended for informational purposes only. The results of your inquiry represent the anticipated tolls you will be required to pay based upon the information you supplied. While every attempt has been made to ensure that these results are accurate and reliable, the Illinois Tollway recognizes that human and/or mechanical errors are possible. Accordingly, the Illinois Tollway, on its own behalf and on behalf of its employees, officer and agents makes no representation as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information provided herein and denies any express or implied warranty of the same.