Certification Participation

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program

The Illinois Tollway's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program includes disadvantaged, minority and women-owned business enterprise (D/M/WBE) firms with participation goals for both construction and professional services contracts.

Firms must be certified at the time of bid. The Tollway’s DBE Program accepts certifications from the following agencies:

  • Illinois Unified Certification Program (ILUCP) – DBE Certifications (includes Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Metra, Pace and city of Chicago): idot.illinois.gov/doing-business
  • City of Chicago Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) Certification: chicago.mwdbe.com
  • Cook County MBE/WBE Certification: cookcounty.diversitycompliance.com
  • Small Business Administration SBA 8(a) Certification: sba.gov/federal-contracting

Read the Tollway's DBE Special Provision.

Business Enterprise Program (BEP)

About the BEP

The State of Illinois Business Enterprise Program (BEP) promotes the economic development of diverse businesses — those owned by minorities, women and persons with disabilities.

To participate as a BEP vendor on Tollway goods and services or Job Order Contracting (JOC) contracts, businesses must be certified with the State of Illinois Commission on Equity and Inclusion (CEI) at time of bid.

CEI BEP certification requires the following:

  • Have at least 51% of their business controlled by one or more minority groups, women, or persons with a disability
  • Have at least 51 percent of their business controlled by one or more minority groups, women, or persons with a disability
  • The owner must be a citizen of the United States or a legal permanent resident alien
  • Have annual gross sales of less than $75 million
Get BEP CertifiedSearch BEP Vendor Directory

Veterans Business Program

State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) Veterans Business Program

The Illinois Tollway supports veterans and service-disabled veterans by assisting them when competing for Tollway contracts. The Tollway evaluates all agency solicitations for inclusion of veteran-owned small business (VOSB) or service-disabled, veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB) goals.

Criteria to participate in the Veterans Business Program include:

  • Currently certified with the Illinois Department of Central Management Services as VOSB or SDVOSB
  • 51 percent owned and controlled by a qualified veteran living in Illinois
  • Annual gross sales under $75 million

Vendors must be certified with CMS as a VOSB or SDVOSB at time of submittal on a Tollway project.

For more information about the Veterans Business Program and registering as a VOSB or SDVOSB

To locate registered VOSB or SDVOSB


Veterans Business Program Resources

Veteran-Owned Small Business Program for Construction

Veteran-Owned Small Business Program for Professional Services

Equal Employment Opportunity Program


On construction contracts, the Illinois Tollway adheres to federal workforce requirements and works in conjunction with local unions and awarded contractors to facilitate achievement of all workforce goals.

Monitoring and reporting is a joint effort among awarded contractors, construction managers and diversity staff to ensure that:

  • Workforce data in the form of weekly certified payroll reports submitted by contractors to construction managers is reviewed to confirm achievement of established EEO goals (19.6 percent minority/6.9 percent female).
  • Periodic site visits are performed to confirm presence of workforce as reported.
  • Referrals of qualified workers are available to contractors seeking assistance in meeting their workforce goals.

Contractors are encouraged to visit the Tollway's Bid Credit Incentives section for information on how contractors and subcontractors can earn bid credits to make their bids more competitive while augmenting the construction industry workforce with qualified hires via ConstructionWorks or the Earned Credit Program.

Detailed description of the Tollway's EEO Program - Special Provisions for Equal Employment Opportunity Program - Updated 04/10/2018