Every Day is Earth Day At The Illinois Tollway

Every Day is Earth Day At The Illinois Tollway

In celebration of Earth Day, the Illinois Tollway recognizes the critical role sustainability plays in every aspect of our day-to-day operations. As part of our commitment to being a leader in sustainability, the Tollway performs and promotes a wide range of eco-friendly activities, including planting tens of thousands of trees across our system, restoring and improving hundreds of acres of wetlands and prairies, applying best management practices to reduce pollutants from stormwater runoff, building LEED-certified maintenance facilities and reusing and recycling tons of pavement materials while employing green technologies and innovations to build longer-lasting roads and bridges.

The Illinois Tollway is committed to serving as a responsible steward of the environment by building a cleaner, greener transportation system that will serve our customers for generations. Please see the video below to learn more about our environmental efforts.