Chief Planning Officer Named WTS Greater Chicago Chapter 2020 Honorable Ray LaHood Man of The Year


Illinois Tollway Chief Planning Officer Rocco Zucchero has not only achieved great success in his 20-year career at the agency, but he has also helped advance the careers of a strong team of women along the way.

Tollway Planning Department staff includes several women assigned to some of the Tollway’s largest projects, including the Central Tri-State Tollway (I-294) Project and the I-490 Tollway Project. Other women are in charge of coordinating with railroads and communities on interchanges and other projects, environmental regulatory permitting and planning for the Tollway’s next capital plan.

“This award is well-deserved, as Rocco is widely respected in the transportation industry for his professionalism, expertise and dedication to setting high standards,” said Illinois Tollway Executive Director José Alvarez. “His commitment to the department he has built and the projects he has led are evident in the Illinois Tollway’s success.”

The WTS Greater Chicago Man of the Year Award is presented annually to a man in the transportation industry who leads by example, seeking out opportunities to advance and advocate for women in his own organization and ensures that women are able to compete for key positions of authority within that organization.

Zucchero was also recognized by WTS for his skills in team building, serving as a mentor to staff and providing them the tools, support and encouragement needed to succeed in their jobs and overcome challenges to achieve their goals.

Widely known for being approachable, knowledgeable and generous with his time, Zucchero shares recognition for Tollway accomplishments with his staff. He has taught Tollway planners the importance of building consensus and seeing the big picture behind investments in transportation infrastructure, looking at not only what’s good for Tollway customers and communities, but also what’s good for the regional transportation network as a whole.